We’re happy to announce the Well Woman Visit dates for this year. This unique service offers a warm, caring environment for annual visits that includes:
- A complete breast exam
- Self breast exam education
- Full gynecological exam with PAP test
Dates filled up quickly in 2016, especially with the addition of online booking. Here are the dates for 2017:
- Jan 16
- Feb 27
- Mar 27
- May 1
- June 5
- July 10
- Sept 18
- Oct 23
- Dec 4
In the last part of the year, booking online resulted in slots filling up quite quickly. You can grab one for 2017 by booking online, or calling the clinic at 705-444-5331.
All dates are online and available. If you want to book for the December date, for example, go for it. No worries about forgetting – we will email you to remind you as the date approaches. (Online booking also allows you to cancel in the event of an unexpected cycle course correction.)
You can learn more about how this unique service was created here:
And learn more about cervical cancer screening and guidelines here and here.