Lavender has long history of use for its calming effect. Anxiety, insomnia, restlessness—they’re all challenges that can often be helped with lavender.
In 2014, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study looked at the impact of the orally administered lavender oil preparation Silexan.
The study divided 539 adults into four groups.
- A placebo group
- A paroxetine group (a prescription anti-depressant, commonly known as Paxil)
- An 80mg dose lavender group
- A 160mg dose lavender group
The study measured results using the Hamilton Anxiety Scale before and after.
Great Results, No Side-Effects
After ten weeks of treatment, there was a reduction in anxiety in all groups, but lavender was the clear winner:
- 63.3% in the lavender 160mg group
- 51.9% in the lavender 80mg group
- 43.2% in the paroxetine group
- 37.8% in the placebo group
The best part? Unlike Paxil, which has many demonstrated side-effects, the lavender had none.
Another study comparing lavender to lorazepam showed similar results, and at the end of the trial, the remission rates were higher for the lavender group (40% for lavender, versus 27% for lorazepam).
A great, research-backed win for lavender!
If you’d like more information on the safe and effective use of lavender, contact the clinic.