Today is Earth Day, when we rally around environmental protection and climate action. This year’s theme is a call to reduce plastics for the sake of human and planetary health.
The Earth is shockingly resilient. Like your body, it has an innate ability to heal. Both can tolerate a remarkable amount of abuse, toxins, and disease.
But both can only handle so much. And both are being slowly ravaged by a disease called more.
Culturally, we are obsessed with more. We want more house, more car, more money—so much so that we’ll trade our time, relationships, and even our world for it.
That desire for more doesn’t just show up in our planet—it shows up in our bodies.
In my two decades of practice, I’ve seen it over and over again. Like the Earth, our bodies are on fire, and the cause is the same—more. More processed food, more work, more stress, more screens.
The symptoms of that inflammation are everywhere:
- Body pain, arthralgia, myalgia
- Chronic fatigue and insomnia
- Depression, anxiety, and mood disorders
- Gastrointestinal complications like constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux
- Weight gain or weight loss
- Frequent infections, allergies, and skin complaints
Ironically, the approach for many people is…you guessed it, more. MORE exercise, MORE diet change, MORE meditation, MORE supplements.
These things are, of course, good for us—in the right amount. The dose makes the poison, as they say.
The solution for your body is not so different from the solution for the planet. It is to find enough.
- Enough sleep means you’re well-rested, filled with energy. Too much means body pain, headaches, and depression.
- Enough kale provides a nutrient-dense, cancer-protecting food, high in fibre. Too much can suppress your thyroid or overload you with oxalates.
- Enough water hydrates you, keeps you alert, and allows your body to run efficiently. Too much causes over-hydration and mineral imbalances.
- Enough exercise gives you increased strength, flexibility, and mobility. Too much leads to repetitive strain, injury, and lower performance.
- Enough fun creates connection and happiness. Too much can lead to boredom, hedonism, or addiction.
More is not always better.
If you do one thing this Earth Day, make it this: connect with the idea of enough.
Both your body and the planet will thank you.