We’re mid-way into the second week of our 28-Day Challenge. Here are a few ups and downs over the past ten days or so.
On the sugar front:
- Kendra and Tara were both at parties, both drinking, and both putting sugar into our mouths. Oops! Man, does a glass or two of vino cloud the mind and shake the resolve.
On the exercise front:
- With the time change, evening time walks are forcing our better-halves to get involved. A side benefit to the challenge: it’s getting our loved one more active (not sure our loved ones think it’s a benefit).
On the water front:
- Getting enough fluids is most challenging for Tara. As the most committed coffee drinker, she often starts her day off in the hole with respect to water intake. A 12oz glass right out of bed and drinking her breakfast, in the form of a green smoothie really helps.