Recipes: How To Cook Kale

kaleKale is a very traditional winter green veggie and is one of my favourite foods.  Like broccoli, it’s part of the brassica family and is full of potent phytochemicals that help your liver neutralize toxins.  It’s also an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and the mineral manganese which, among other things, is important in bone health.

The trick with Kale is in the preparation. Try this:

  • Remove woody stock from leaves.
  • Cut the remaining leaves in strips.
  • Sauté in olive oil with garlic and sea salt to taste.  (You want to sauté it until it is bright green all the way through, and stop before it starts to dry out – about 3-5 minutes.)

You can use it in salads, soups, stews or stir fries, or try my latest favourite: top it with poached eggs, parmesan cheese and cracked pepper – yum!
