October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year, almost 27,000 women in Canada will be diagnosed with this disease—74 women per day.
Here’s the amazing part: 88% will survive it. The mortality rate for breast cancer has been declining since 1986. Between earlier diagnosis and better treatments, we’re simply getting better at tackling the problem.
With treatment, however, can come plenty of difficult side effects, both physical and emotional.
Nutritional Tools for Cancer Treatment Side Effects
The Toronto General Hospital houses ELLICSR: Health, Wellness and Cancer Survivorship Centre. This resource for cancer patients was created to better understand the cancer and survivorship experience in order to improve it, and to look for fresh new ideas and approaches to improve health and wellness during and after cancer treatment.
One of the resources that this organization puts out is the ELLICSR Kitchen. This program is designed to help people touched by cancer to manage their symptoms by managing their diet.
They also have a wonderful online resource that gives you recipes and eating suggestions based on your individual side effects. Loss of appetite? There are recipes for that. Fatigue? Nausea? Stomach problems? Each symptom has a list of recipes to help. We love it.
You can also engage with the ELLICSR Kitchen in person with live cooking demonstrations that help you engage with healthy, simple and delicious recipes and give you tasty samples.
When: The third Thursday of every month, 12:15 – 1:15 pm
Where: ELLICSR: Health, Wellness & Cancer Survivorship Centre Toronto General Hospital, Basement level, B PMB 130
Contact: Call 416 581 8620 or email [email protected] for more information. No regestration necessary!
Managing the side effects of treatment is a critical, but often under-appreciated, part of cancer treatment, and we’re thrilled to recommend this resource!
For more information on our clinical approaches to cancer care, our own Dr. Ehab Mohammed, ND, is happy to help. Dr. Ehab practiced oncology as a medical doctor for over 20 years before becoming a naturopathic doctor. You can book a complimentary visit and get all your questions answered by calling the clinic at 705-444-5331, or booking online.