Earlier this month Fortune reported that former New York mayor Micheal Bloomberg’s foundation is committing over $300 million to fight global tobacco use. The hope is that helping developing countries with anti-smoking campaigns may result in the same decline in tobacco use that we have experienced here in the northern hemisphere.
In 2015, the Canadian Tobacco report, stated that only 15% of Canadians reported to be smokers–an all time low.
This stat makes the gang at StoneTree celebrate. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease. Seeing the percentage of Canadian smokers hit its lowest ever is awesome, but we would love to see that number to be zero one day in the future.
Alan Carr, author of Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking has helped millions of people successfully quit. We have recommended his resources a lot. You can find his book here, and more information on his methods here.
Here’s to a smoke free 2017!