Last year we showcased a little allergy remedy in the “Things We Love Section” of our newsletter. Lufeel is a very safe and very effective homeopathic remedy for seasonal allergies and hayfever that came in a tablet format and a nasal spray. This year, the maker of that remedy is no longer distributing in Canada, so we had a bit of a hole to fill.
Enter Pascallerg. We have given this new remedy to a few of you and are getting back some great reviews. As one patient said: “Excellent, it is better then the other stuff. It worked quickly, no yucky feeling and lasts 5 hours for sure”
Like Lufeel, Pascallerg is homeopathic and very safe to use in children, adults and pregnant women. It will not interact with medications or other allergy treatments, and does not have all the side-effects of regular antihistamines.
The remedy is available at our local health food stores and here at the clinic.
Bonus: If your seasonal allergies arrived later in life, or are worsening as you age, you might want to read this article, too…