How I Never Get Sick

People often say to me, “You never get sick!”  

This is true. I haven’t been meaningfully sick for years. No colds or flu. Haven’t missed a day of work…well, ever, I think.

Never is a big word, of course. The truth is a little more nuanced (more on that below.) And I wasn’t always this way. But basically, I’m just well all the time. Here’s how I do it.

1. Take Prevention Seriously

The fastest way to get over a cold is never to get it in the first place. 

Most patients I have seen over the years don’t realize just how much control they have over their likelihood of becoming ill. Your immune system is dynamic. It changes based on your behavior and environment, and you can control much of that!

My essential tool for this is my daily walk—every day, with very few exceptions. This is the best life hack that exists. If I walk outside every morning–rain or shine–I seem bulletproof for cold and flu season. It does seem to be that simple. 

I also eat whole foods, seek connection, and have a sense of purpose. Remember: The things that make you healthy are the same things that keep you healthy.

2. Listen to Your Body

Like everyone, I get run down. I feel heavy. I get sleepy on an evening when I might not usually. My throat might feel a little funny. For me, this is a kind of “pre-sick” stage. These are the early symptoms that my body is doing what it should–fighting off an infection like cold or flu.

This is the time to pay attention. A familiar story in the clinic is that patients feel the early symptoms of getting sick…and then ignore them. They keep grinding, staying up late, eating garbage, and stressing, and then they are surprised when they really get sick. 

3. Support your body

When your body speaks, it’s time to take action. To resolve a possible infection, I do all the things that support my immune system: I take the supplements, I do the IV, I eat a bowl of soup, I cancel my plans, and I go to bed early. And I do this until I know I’m getting better. (And I still do my daily walk, just a little more slowly!)

Rebounding doesn’t take long when your body is healthy and you’ve done the proactive care. I often get through an “illness” with little to no symptoms at all.  

The tools we use to support immune function are great, but the real health hack is to avoid getting sick in the first place. Listen to your body. And when it speaks up? Drink water, take a gentle walk in nature, eat soup, get an IV, take your supplements, and go to bed.  🙂

It’s mid-September, and the “back-to-school” colds and flu are back in season. If you would like help creating a strong immune system for this fall and winter, book now.